Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summertime and the Living is Easy!

School's out and we're enjoying lazy days!

Here's just a few things that mean Summer to us:
* watermelon
* sitting on the backyard swing
* playing Wii games...Zumba & Dancing With the Stars for me :)
* swimsuits...I HATE swimsuit shopping!
* reading, reading, reading
* 100 degree temps :P
* fresh veggies from the garden...other people's gardens, that is (That's you, Papa!)
* ice cream
* more freckles
* kiddy pool
* sunglasses

Looking forward to:
* visits with the grandparents :)

Later Days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog. I agree with it all. I especially like the idea of visiting with grandparents. Yeah for summer. Love, Mimi