Thursday, April 19, 2012

Long time no see....

Whew. It's been a long time since I updated the blog, huh?

Between moving back to my hometown, diving into ministry at a new church, homeschooling, childrens' birthdays, and planning our eldest child's high school graduation (!), I've been preoccupied. Oh, and this crew STILL wants to eat regularly and have clean clothes to wear!

This graduation thing is proving to be a little stressful. I guess I didn't fully appreciate the fact that someone has to plan and execute a ceremony like this and, since I'm a homeschooler, that means ME. We've got the cap and gown and diploma and are waiting on the invitations to come back from the printers. Since we're having a double-graduation with a cousin, we're trying to map out details so that both graduates have a meaningful, memorable celebration. Ideas, anyone?

In other, less self-centered anyone else addicted to Pinterest? Great recipes and ideas abound. I just found a blog with great recipes via Pinterest: and I'm excited to try some of them!

Later Days!

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