Yesterday was such a gorgeous Fall day that we took a field trip to Congaree National Park! What a wonderful piece of God's creation and a perfect day to enjoy it! For those not familiar with the park, it is actually a swamp--remember Francis Marion, The Swamp Fox, from American History? Fortunately, these days you get to walk on an elevated boardwalk for much of the hike, rather than slogging blindly through the muck. It's easy to see that a soldier who knew the swamp had a clear advantage over the British soldiers in pursuit!
I only took three photos and they aren't even good ones, but they DO include my children so I'm posting them for the grandparents :). For those who aren't related to my children, just enjoy the scenery and ignore my lack of photography skills, please. Incidentally, the pic of K. and M. inside a hollow tree--that's a fake hollow tree in the visitor's center. Real hollow trees often contain wild animals, birds, bats, and bugs.
Later Days!
I love the pictures and it looks like the children are having a good time. We're all winners on this adventure. Love, Mimi
Now I learned something! It seems you had a wonderful field trip and I think the photos are precious - thanks.
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