Friday, July 17, 2009

Pool party

Just got back a little while ago from a pool party for our children at church. Though the pics I took don't show it, there were 35+ people there!

We had such a good time and the weather stayed nice until we left--then the skies opened and God sent the rain! We're thankful because it's been very dry lately. By the time I got out of the pool and got my camera, most people were already out of the pool, but I got a couple of photos of N. and K. in the pool and N. getting pizza :).

Later Days!


Pitty Pat said...

Looks like a good turn out. God is good!

all4memories said...

So do y'all have a pool at church? :o)

Kelly said...

LOL! No, the church doesn't have a church, but many of our members have them--I'm learning to appreciate that with temperatures in the high '90s most days! We're going to put a pool in our backyard but we'll have to inflate it first :)!

Jan and Miekie said...

Looks like great fun! Those brownies are to die for! Amen to God is good. His timing is perfect!

Kelly said...

Sorry about the mistake in my comment...Our church doesn't have a POOL (rather than Our church doesn't have a church). Pizza and chlorine cloud my brain. :)