Just got back a little while ago from a pool party for our children at church. Though the pics I took don't show it, there were 35+ people there!
We had such a good time and the weather stayed nice until we left--then the skies opened and God sent the rain! We're thankful because it's been very dry lately. By the time I got out of the pool and got my camera, most people were already out of the pool, but I got a couple of photos of N. and K. in the pool and N. getting pizza :).
Later Days!
Looks like a good turn out. God is good!
So do y'all have a pool at church? :o)
LOL! No, the church doesn't have a church, but many of our members have them--I'm learning to appreciate that with temperatures in the high '90s most days! We're going to put a pool in our backyard but we'll have to inflate it first :)!
Looks like great fun! Those brownies are to die for! Amen to God is good. His timing is perfect!
Sorry about the mistake in my comment...Our church doesn't have a POOL (rather than Our church doesn't have a church). Pizza and chlorine cloud my brain. :)
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