The title of this blog post was originally "Happy Memorial Day"...upon reflection, the word "Happy" doesn't seem appropriate, does it? On this day, we remember those who paid the ultimate price for the freedoms that we enjoy in our country. However, the families of those soldiers don't need a special day of remembrance...they remember their fallen loved ones daily. Amidst the cookouts, ballgames, and pool parties that so many of us have planned for this day off from work, let's make sure we pause to remember the fallen AND pray for the families that are missing a son, father, or friend!
In family news, we had a great weekend! First, we traveled Back Home to celebrate some birthdays with our family. Then, a wonderful church service yesterday morning and small groups last night. Today, eldest is traveling with the youth choir to an Atlanta Braves baseball game--with some forced choir practice in the bus! LOL
Speaking of eldest, she is following in her mom's bloggy footsteps! Last night, she created her own blog and did an introductory post--check it out at! She's sure to be posting lots of her wonderful photographs & giving a slightly different perspective on life at our house :).
Later Days!
Hi Kelly
31 May is also a significant day in our history. It is the day peace was signed after the Anglo Boer wars, but more significantly the day South Africa became a republic and with it the whole sad state of apartheid became a reality. The architects of Apartheid (separateness or separate development) meant well: each different ethnic group was to have an own state where they could govern themselves. Before there were many fights among the different groups and it was believed it would work to keep people separate. But the ugly reality is that horrible things like massacres happened and people were forced to move where they did not want to be and generally did not have freedom of movement, let alone freedom of assosication and speech.
All this came to an end by 1990, when Nelson Mandela was released and the A.N.C. unbanned. We became a true democracy on 27 April 1994 and now celebrate 27 April (Freedom Day) every year and of course no longer Republic Day (31 May).
How are things in this country? Well there is more freedom and we have a fantastic constitution... but many changes have been made to the constitution, poverty is worse, the infrastructure is in a bad state of collapse, service delivery by all levels of government is beyond poor, babies die in state hospitals etc. The problem is we do not have leadership in this country - and the A.N.C. "prince" hails Pres Mugabe of Zimbabwe as a hero! I mean! Please pray for the government and the people of this beautiful country.
Thank you for educating me about some of South Africa's history! I pray for peace for your country and wisdom for your leaders. Many of us in the United States disagree with our current leadership, though the media hails Pres. Obama as a hero. God can use anybody to accomplish His will--even unbelievers--so we must faithfully pray for those in power!
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