A world of possibilities! Also, high temperatures and high humidity :)
I am thinking...
About Camp La Vida--I'm driving a van full of girls to GA Camp this afternoon!
I am thankful for...
chocolate chips :)
From the learning rooms...
finishing up schoolbooks! Yay!
From the kitchen...
I'd love some homemade wheat bread, slathered with real butter--this is NOT what is in my kitchen right now.
I am wearing...
t-shirt, cargo pants, apron
I am creating...
A tentative schedule/routine that will bring order and peace to my house...or not (same as last week; it's just not happening very quickly)
I am going...
to the final frontier (aka Camp La Vida) to drop of a bunch of giggly girls, including K.!
I am reading...
Curriculum catalogs, VBS material, an Inspector Barnaby mystery
I am hoping...
That the girls from church stay safe at camp, make memories, have fun, and learn about Jesus!
Have a great time, Sweetie!
Later Days!
I like the update.stay busy.That helps the day go by.Enjoy your day as it will soon be a part of history.Love you ,Pop
By now u most likely have dropped off the girls for camp.Being a mom can keep u in the road but u will be glad for these efforts one day. They will mean a lot to the kidoes. Love and misses .Pop
I so enjoyed the "daybook" and I hope you will continue them. They make me feel a part of your day. Fresh wheat bread. Yum! Remember wheat berries next time you're here. I sure hope and pray K and the other girls are having a great time at camp. Who is M fighting with while she's away? You all take care. Love,prayers, and misses, Mimi.
Thanks for the comments, Mimi and Pop! We got the girls settled in at camp and they were heading off to take their swimming tests when we left :).
M. and N. are at loose ends without K. around, but I have a feeling that they'll take up the slack where he fighting is concerned! lol
Love you both!
Wheat berries? Thought wheat grew from seeds. Oh well..
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