Friday, June 18, 2010

1. Here's a shout-out to my sweet niece, Casey, who's getting braces today! Can't wait to see your beautiful smile :).

2. Another shout-out goes to my wonderful Father-in-Law, who's having back surgery today. We're praying for a quick recovery and great results!

3. Yet another shout-out to my favorite twins, Yvonne & Yvette, who are celebrating birthdays today! The jury is still out on which is the evil twin and which is the good twin :).

4. I seem to get 97% more comments on blog posts that involve pictures of my children! Thanks, Grandparents :).

5. I never was any good at math so the previous statistic is entirely unreliable (i.e. I made it up).

6. Check out my daughter's new blog--she posts LOTS of pics!

7. Our church's Vacation Bible School begins this Monday morning! Please pray for all the workers, the children that will attend, and their parents--that all will be blessed and God would be glorified!

Later Days!


Anonymous said...

AK-i got spacers today and came to work with dad but braces Monday :-)
love peanut

Kelly said...

Thanks for the clarification--hope you're not too uncomfortable! Hugs and kisses...for you, not for your dad :) (who leaves very silly comments!)

Anonymous said...

AK-i got my braces today they hurt a little can not wait 4 u 2 see me with them!!!!!
peanut <3

Anonymous said...

It is well told.