Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I am thankful for...
*my family Back Home that I love to visit!
*the wonderful, godly men in my life--Happy Father's Day to my Dad, my Father-in-Law, and my Hubby, who is a great dad!

From the learning rooms...
*the 2009/10 school year is OVER! However, learning never stops :).

From the kitchen...
*Not much...I've been depending on my Mom's and my Mother-in-Law's cooking for the last couple of days :)

I am wearing...
*jeans & a kurta I brought back from India

I am creating...
*plans for Vacation Bible School, which begins next week

I am going...
*to be driving home in a couple of hours :P

I am reading...
*VBS material
*the Bible
*a mystery, the name of which I can't even remember now (obviously, a gripping read)

I am hoping...
*to have an uneventful drive home, with well-behaved children and light traffic
*to get a phone call from hubby soon (he's still at the convention)

I am hearing...
*the chatter and singing of little girls (my niece slept over last night)

Around the house...
*a cat that (possibly) misses us

My favorite things...
*high-speed internet
*dark chocolate
*happy children

A few plans for the rest of the week:
*Midweek Bible Study at church
*Hubby coming home :)

Later Days!


Jan and Miekie said...

I love this post! It tells a lot about you and you seem to be pretty busy with good stuff. (Wish I still had someone to help in the kitchen!) Enjoy your summer. It's freezing here, but even so lots of people attend the World Cup matches and fan parks. Our team is playing their second match, but they are 0-1 behind at the moment.

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful you had a safe trip home. It was sure a treat to have you guys with us for a visit although it was so brief. We are blest to have such a loving family and are now looking forward to our next time we can visit or be visited. Love to all .Pop

all4memories said...

What are leaning towards for your 2010-2011 school year? You may need to send me an email. I'm just curious as I'm struggling. I'm thinking about using the book you gave me - Bigger Hearts, but I'm not 100% sure yet. Another part of me thinks I might need to do a "pick my own" year, but it scares me because I don't want to choose something they won't like or that doesn't work for us. :) (Finances play a big part in what we are going to do as well.)

Anonymous said...

The visit was great.
Though it was not long enough.
Anxious for next time.

Love, prayers, and already missing, Mimi.

Kelly said...

Thank you for your kind comment--I always look forward to hearing from you! I can't imagine it freezing there because our temperatures are reaching 100 degrees F some days! I'm afraid I haven't been keeping up with the World Cup matches but you'll have to let me know if your team wins :).

Kelly said...

I'll have to email you my "long answer" to curriculum decisions but my short answer is...I HAVE NO IDEA!!! lol

Papa & Mimi,
We had a terrific time visiting! Hope to see you soon :)