Saturday, March 21, 2009

Post-Tea update...

Never has a tea been approached with such fear and dread as the one I attended this morning. It goes without saying that I love spending time with the ladies from church and I also love eating good food BUT I am very uncomfortable speaking in front of a roomful of people. I am pleased to report that I didn't faint or otherwise become incapacitated during the tea :). I am, however, glad that it is over and that I will most likely never be asked to speak again--LOL!

Later Days!

P.S.Grandparents...M. enjoyed the b-day party at the park this morning. If I am able to get photos from someone else who attended I'll post them.

1 comment:

Jan and Miekie said...

I am glad for you it went well! I like your style of writing! He he!