We are blessed to have all four grandparents here for the weekend! We're enjoying having them here...visiting...going to the State Museum...spoiling the kids :). Tomorrow's plans MAY include going to the State House. It's great that we can enjoy spending time with family AND taking school field trips :)! There are so many interesting things to do around here & we're having fun finding them.
I'll try to update tomorrow but no promises...we'll be staying busy!
Later Days!
Have you gone to Edventure? My nieces loved that place.
Also, have you heard about Saluda Shoals park? It's in Irmo, and it has a water play area with water shooting out of the playground. My favorite is the water collecting in buckets, then cascading down when they get full. You can also walk along the river and stuff. They charge, but you can get a yearly family pass, I think.
i saw the previous comment about Saluda Shoals, and we highly recommend it, too. We loved it when we went there.
Tell all the G.'s we said hello!
Love you guys!
Thank you for the suggestions! We'll be checking those out soon and I'll try to include photos :).
We've had a good time hanging out with the grandparents--yesterday we took in the State House.
Hi Kelly
I enjoyed reading about your homeschooling. I guess that is where I met you first - through home school blogs. I too believe that one cannot overestimate the importance of a number line in the beginning. Every time I start a new type of calculation with Tamerin, we use the Kumon magnetic number line again - we are busy with fractions and the different colours for even and uneven numbers have really helped her. Will also get her a wipeable one - sounds a great idea. Hands on experiences may make a mess, but I think the children will remember them better! Many blessings on your work.
I am one of the Grandparents who had a wonderful time visiting, seeing the sights, talking, and most of all spoiling the children. I hope it's not too hard to get the children back to normal. Hi E, N, K, and M and of course Mama and Daddy. Plan another trip to the Museum, we all enjoyed that one, especially M. Mimi
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