Is anyone else having problems finding their motivation? Since the hustle and bustle of Christmas, I have turned into a vegetable (and a lazy one, at that). I had an email today asking (jokingly) if I had died :o). Nope, just too sluggardly to even check email and post on my blog.
We had a good time during my parents' visit with us, though we didn't "entertain" them at all. We just spent time talking, playing with kids, eating, etc. They've been home a couple of days now and are wondering what happened to my blog now that I don't have the excuse of spending time with them :o). In today's photos, you'll see some of what's gone on the last few days--playing with M's train figures prominently. In other news, K had to see another specialist, who has recommended more tests, and has also outlined 2 possible courses of treatment. We're praying about these tests, their outcomes, and what treatment to pursue.
I hope all of you had a wonderful New Year's Eve and Day and will enjoy a Blessed 2009! My goals, as ever, include: more Bible study, healthier eating, more exercise, finish my Master's Degree, better organization, and to be the best wife and mom ever! Well, a girl's got to have goals, right? Actually, before re-typing the word "goals," it was "goats," which I have had in the past and no longer want to have. Anyone else have goals (or goats) for 2009?
Later Days!
I feel better hearing from you. Thank you for not telling who's in one of the pictures. Mimi
Well, you are alive! I, too had begun to wonder. :o)
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